Sunday, November 8, 2009

the color that i would like to shade myself

In my today’s blog I would like to share some thoughts about the role of colors in our life. This write up is not going to enumerate about blue and green colors, it’s about choosing colors in our life.

I still remember the good old days of wearing black t-shirts and trousers in our school escort team to play the lead role in school annual day function. On teacher’s day, class XII of the students decided to keep blue as a concept to depict that teachers are at the level of sky. At the tender age the white top shirt and blue trousers are our school uniform and white & white for our sports day function are still route in my mind as beautiful story.

Today, we have are choosy in deciding the colors. May it be for painting the house, buying a car, cloths and as such. In one of the article I’ve read sometime back says, that human has 90% of their attraction and identification through color by all means. For instance, some of my friends mock that hey if it’s yellow color car then it should be none other than Raghu.

Recently, one of my friends has picked up a red shaded hyundai i10 and he has reasons to choose the particular color. The reason could be of any of the following – favorite color, lucky color, looks good, esteem and prestigious, sentimental, emotion etc., but the fact is that there is a reason tiedup for choosing any colors.

Let’s get in to Indian family traditions and their outlook of colors. In Hindu customs – during “semantham”, the general habit is wearing of color bangles in the function. Hold on, there is a reason for and why they do this. Red bangle is to show the blood relationship, green bangle is to show the attachmemt with the family members, black bangle is to prevent the eyes, yellow bangle is to show the “sumangali”, and blue bangle is to show the health.

During marriage occasion, mostly the people won’t prefer black as they feel it as “sad” colors. On most occasions in Hindu customs - yellow, green and red are the preferred colors.

On view, if you take the traffic signals – red, yellow and green would guide and control the traffic at the right time. This system helps the people who are driving on roads for their safety and convenience. Red symbol is to stop, yellow is to hold and green is to run. In some signals number systems are also followed to control the traffic, still the red, yellow and green lights remains constant.

In generic, light colors go with the dark colors. For instance, in schools black board is written with the white chalk piece and in offices, white board is written with black, red, green and blue markers.

Color theory is quite famous in abroad countries and it’s basically the countries following traditions. Like, England, France, Paris, Germany, Italy, London etc., these countries still follows their traditional colors and majorly aesthetic woods shades and stone shades are footprints by all means.

Indian instances like police stations and fire stations are red in color, hospitals doctors wear white color to show equality. In courts, advocates wear black courts to show the equality. Politicians wear different colors to show their party symbols.

In corporate, colors plays major role and in fact the similar colors are followed in all corporate functions and programmes. For instance, Oracle’s logo is designed with red color and starting from the portal, new letters, public domains looks as in red colors. In SAP, the log is designed with blue color and used across the corporate communications and programmes.

Each one of us has different view of colors and it’s importance. But the common base fact is that there is a reason for choosing a color and we feel the credibility of colors in our life. Whatever be it, the color that I would like to be reflected in me is the color of personality…the color of attitude…the color of virtues…the color of thoughtfulness….the color of optimism….the color of conscience….the color of the society….the color of empathy….the color of sympathy….!!!!

Keep refreshing my blog, to know my next pen.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MASKing – A Dark Shade

Mask by self- an outraging term. “What I call it as conceal of originality”, but how do I relate this term in my blog today. In current given market situation, companies are fighting against each other in the same space. One of the research says, for each customer requirement there are 10 vendors in the market whom they can choose from. Accepting the fact, the concept of Masking would really helpful for the companies to paint their new business strategies.

The Black MASK is the one where only the developers of the concepts know and implement, NO ONE ELSE can replicate this strategy.

The Red MASK is the one where other competitors cannot touch and even though they aware on the technology. Incase if the competitors replicate those strategy would lead into heavy loss in terms of money and market share.

The Green MASK is the one where the companies encourage other’s also get into the business, so that the technology and concepts would reach more customers and market potential would develop exponentionally.

White MASK
The White MASK is the one where all the companies would have a market share and depends on their marketing ability will eat their proportionate.

It really not required being a leader or follower or pioneer to win the customer. Whoever wears the right mask would win the race.

For instance, Amazon is the not the first company to get into online books store business, Apple IPOD is not the first company in MP3 player market, Google is not the first search engine company, regional television channels are not the one who started first in India. But still, how these companies can reach the top position in the market and how they completely overcome the competitors.

Each and every company has its own USP and it would vary depends on the company’s strategy to capture the market. But still inspite of having good product, features, competitive pricing, customer support, advertising some product can’t live for a long time or survive. This is the place where the concept of Masking would help the companies’ way forward.

Where’s the FLAW?
Bad product management Vs Good product management. The companies raise their shoulders and say that their products are really competitive in price, beneficial for the customer, technologically upgraded. But the fact is that they assume that it benefit the customer where it’s not the case. The companies are not developing for the customer benefit or rather its not reaching the customer.

What NEXT????
Companies could follow the below steps to reach the leader quadrant.
1. Select the MASK
2. Develop the USP ( Unique Selling Proposition )
3. Form the new product management team.
4. QoQ performance analysis.
5. Constant feedback from the customer on usage and design the improvement matrix.

There is no one strategy in business where the companies can grow and deliver high profit rather there is NO one single strategy given in the platter to get success. The MASKing is one such strategy which yielded high results to many companies and it should used in effective way to materialize.

Keep refreshing my Blog - Happy Day is Today.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Either Be Black or White and Not Gray!!!!

We all understand from our practical life that something does'nt make sense when it's not 100%. Do we really recognize the fact or why do we completetly compromise or convince ourself towards this dis-mutuality.There are much theory say's that " Success is Not Sweet, but the Secret of Success is Sweat" - this term is more relevant to the context. If you want to achieve something never compromise on the facts and jus go away and everthing is fair in business community.

How choosy are we in selecting a car or to buy a house or to watch a film and for that matter hours of time spend in watching cricket. We Indians are selective in everything except the factor to grow the Indian community at large.
For intance, the recent review of Slumdog Millionaire is bext example to quote on this. Not criticizing on the part " Close your eyes and think for a while, do we really need a overseas director to speak and enlight about India and growth, same way for the film ' Gandhi ', definetely not going to accept, coz the whole world is filled with brain drained Indian including the top position in MNC's and we understand those facts.
If we all stop projecting India ourself, someone will enfiz to do that. So the creature is recognized in multi-dimension, but would have been more delighted if it would have come from the Indian creation.
What's the concept mean -
Black or white is not about the color or race( to be quoted ), it's about can do and cannot do. In simple, Success or failure and not in between, Yes or No and not in between, one or zero and not in between. So never compromise or convince yourself on the fact and programmes that delighted you for such a long time.
I really dont want to see India as a developing country which i used to read in my school days and no wonder even my kid would be reading the same. Do we all marching towards that ???
Accepting the fact, India is growing and emposed globally and India is the one place where everyone want to fix their footstep. Becoz they see the enormous potential and growth in the Indian soil. All happy news to hear and trust me not in the long run.
Through this concept , i would like to bring the dark thoughts into the ray which has to hit every Indian saying that we would walk an extra mile and get whatever we want. I'm not saying change the complete economic policy but still there should be hurdle block in ever action that an overseas is looking into India for the safer play. Many developed nations has this policy of closed economy and when do we think it's the right time for the closed economy and i had some discussion with the experts in the field and the reply was the Indian is growing because of open economy in certain field. Really great but - " NOT IN THE LONG RUN "
How do we form this community :
Just keep this concept in mind and work towards that for every task that you do it in your day's life. Trust me, the way forward is going to be "Either black or white and not gray"

As a final note, being the growing popoulation, technology, education, literacy, inflation - Comparitively the competition is going to be the one factor which would be standing in front of us. So believe me, work towards this concept you will see wonders in life.
Keep refreshing my blog - Shiva